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What Is Gong Bath Meditation? All You Need To Know

Nick Stolerman

Updated: Nov 5, 2021

Gong baths are in the same category as music therapy and sound healing, their use dates back some 5,000 years. They have played an important role in ceremonies and rituals among many cultures including China, Myanmar, Afghanistan, Greece, India, South America and Africa. In 2020 they are used for their healing qualities for physical conditions such as spinal injuries and pain, and mental and emotional conditions.

Some people refer to a gong bath as a sonic massage, as your body and mind are stimulated and soothed by the sounds and vibrations.

It is a passive experience that needs no experience

To enjoy a gong meditation, all the listener does is lay (or sit) down and relax, there is nothing to do or think about. In fact, thinking about anything can be difficult as your mind will struggle to concentrate and focus in the face of the sounds of the gong. Some players will complement the gong bath meditation with other instruments such as sound bowls, wind chimes and drums.

Perhaps the most relaxed you will ever be

We always precede the sound of the gong with some gentle movement and breathing exercises. This helps relax the body so the mind can then follow. The sound can be described as other worldly, starting quietly and building in intensity, taking the listener on a journey, using varied pitch/sound frequency, volume and tone. This helps the brain achieve a deeply relaxed, meditative state.

A range of feelings and sensations

Because the gong operates at a deep level, emotions are often stirred up, people report having strong feelings of joy and peace, while others can feel nonplussed and questioning. It is common for people to feel different every time, most likely because the frame of mind they start with is also different every time. Despite having their eyes closed, people talk about seeing bright lights or colours, of feeling hot or cold, having tingling sensations, of feeling mentally cleansed.

Less stress and pain

Researchers point to the ability of sound healing meditation to alter mood and reduce stress, so is often used to treat people with anxiety and depression. Sound based vibration is commonly used to help people with relief from arthritis and other body pain. Better sleep is a commonly reported benefit, with energy being shifted around the body and brain waves being affected by the sound waves.

Energised and rejuvenated

In addition to a sense of peace and calm, other commonly reported therapeutic benefits include feeling more energetic, bright, creative and motivated. The power of the gong comes from the fact that it affects both the mind and the body simultaneously, a complete experience.

Gong Bath London

You can now find gong meditation around the country but as we are based in the capital, sound healing meditation London is where you will find us! Since the lockdown we have discovered that the experience of gong online, with people staying in the comfort of their homes, is actually really good!

A gong bath meditation is an ancient practice with contemporary application, helping support people with both physical and emotional conditions. As there is no technique to learn, it is open to everybody. It is a thoroughly enjoyable experience that can be done at home online or face to face in a group of people, with the added energy that a shared event brings.

Gong Bath Meditation FAQs

Question: What happens in a gong bath?

Answer: After a few gentle stretching and breathing exercises, you lay (or sit) down and cover yourself with a blanket as your body temperature will drop. With your eyes closed, you just let the gong bath meditation happen to you!

Question: Are gong baths safe?

Answer: While it is not particularly loud, if you have a sound sensitive condition such as epilepsy, or wear a pacemaker, then a gong bath might not be for you. We have never come across any health issues, but if you are in the first three months of pregnancy, it’s advisable not to do any type of yoga or gong meditation.

Question: What do you wear to a gong bath?

Answer: Nothing in particular, but loose fitting clothing is ideal as you will be sitting and laying down for a period of time. If you are sensitive to the cold, then have an extra top to cover up.

Question: What are the benefits of a gong bath?

Answer: As the body and brain relax and are then stimulated by the sound and vibration of the gong, stress and anxiety levels reduce. Increased energy, mental clarity, better sleep, mood and physical pain relief are also benefits of sound healing meditation.

Question: What do you do after a gong bath?

Answer: It depends where you are and the time of day, but you probably won’t want to rush anywhere! Our advice is simply to drink some water to hydrate and ground yourself. It can be enjoyable to discuss your experience with others.

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Althafessa Sait
Althafessa Sait
03 nov 2021

That was a fantastic post! A sound bath is a type of listening meditation. Sound baths are musical performances that are therapeutic and performed by experienced sound healers. Himalayan singing bowls, crystal bowls, gongs, biosonic tuning forks and shamanic drumming are some of the instruments used. Participants lie down on mats on the floor in savasana (corpse posture) and let the sound waves wash over them. If anybody is interested in reading more, there is an excellent article here -

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