Events demand a lot from delegates, to listen to more presentations and contribute to more discussions than in a typical work day. The flow of ideas can be overwhelming and particularly challenging when people are sluggish after lunch.
Which is why more organisations shape their event agendas to include sessions of movement, meditation, mental relaxation, visualisation and breathwork, designed to:
Boost energy
Improve focus
Digest ideas
People absorb information better when they feel alert and energised.
For examples of how we have enhanced events, from half day workshops to three day conferences, contact us now.
Whether working remotely or onsite, support
good mental health with team yoga, mindful meditation, breathwork and gong baths.
Scientifically proven to reduce stress, increase energy, improve mood, sleep, creativity and decision making skills.
A set of movement and breathing exercises that changes weekly
Suitable for all, regardless of experience, physical flexibility or strength
Sessions designed to boost energy, release tension and increase vitality.
Proven to reduce stress, increase energy and improve concentration
No experience needed or techniques to learn, sessions are easy to follow
You will take away simple tools you can use any time.
Ideal for people who find it hard to switch off, it's like a sonic massage
Achieve a deep sense of relaxation and enjoy the therapeutic benefits: to detoxify, reduce blood pressure, relieve stress and stimulate the immune system.
Plan created around client's objectives, challenges and success measures.
Trial implemented over a four week test period.
Feedback gained from participants and senior management. Plan refined if needed.
Results reviewed against objectives set.
“The finance industry is demanding on your time and stress levels... exhaustion...out of balance... overwhelming feeling of tiredness.
Kundalini yoga transformed my life...very effective tools to transform not only physically but also learning how to quieten the mind."
"There's evidence that Kundalini yoga - breathing exercises and meditation as well as traditional poses can - can help ward off feelings of melancholy...
...research study showed how the ancient art (of yoga) drastically improves mood..."
"Enjoy the powers of Kundalini Yoga & Meditation at work and leave the sessions feeling clear, in-control...
...a 15-minute session using yoga to align the body and meditation to reduce stress or a 45-minute ‘Resilience’ session to stimulate clarity and meditation and improve your creative thought process..."
Workplace Wellbeing For Mental Health
Mental health in the workplace would not have been a topic of conversation just a few years, but these days, having a Mental Health First Aider is as common as having a fire warden or a traditional first aider. What has changed is that just a few years ago, the single most common reason that people were “off sick” from work, was physical: a bad back, a migraine, the flu. Now the single most common reason is mental/emotional: stress accounts for over 53% of all working days lost.
Of course, the problem isn’t necessarily that there is more anxiety at work, it is a reflection of the fact that the working population is suffering increasingly with poor mental health. And because we typically spend more time at work than at home, mental health at work has become a board level issue.
HR Directors now include workplace wellbeing programmes – also known as workplace wellness – as part of their strategy for attracting and retaining high performance employees. These usually include support to ensure staff have resources on everything from sleep and nutrition to financial and physical health, providing classes of exercise, yoga and meditation at work.
Staff Mental Wellbeing Activities, London
Whether you work at a multinational corporation or a small start up, staff wellbeing activities are an important consideration. We live in increasingly challenging times, with pressures that can sometimes have a negative impact on our happiness, health and performance at work. People are typically critical to an organisation’s success so having the right staff wellbeing programme in place can also be critical to an organisation’s success.
Programmes can cover a range of mental wellbeing activities to support staff needs. Larger companies set up on-site gyms or negotiate a discount at a local gym. Staff members themselves often set up running clubs, exercise groups or yoga classes and some companies bring in a sports or shiatsu masseur each week to deal with physical tension.
In addition to online EAP (employee assistance programmes), external speakers can be brought in to provide guidance on everything from sleep and nutrition to financial planning and time management.
Meditation and mindfulness classes are usually run by external practitioners, but not just in the office: wellbeing for events is now incorporated into the agenda to ensure delegates get the most from the day. It’s easy to become swamped with information at an event, not to mention when you are tired, to become less receptive!

Let us help support your staff wellbeing plans.
We will be happy to share our experience of what works really well and what works less well and to shape a proposal that's right for your organisation.
Maybe you would be interested in a taster session.